At LUMI, we don’t do compromise. We’ve always believed it’s possible to create incredibly effective skincare products without having to rely on artificial ingredients. And every day, we prove that to be true!

Every cream, serum, cleanser, and supplement we produce has the power of nature at the heart of them, and every single ingredient has to justify its inclusion by being absolutely necessary, best-in-class, and the best choice for skin and the environment.

It’s a simple creed to work by, and one that has seen us go from strength to strength. We’re proud of what we’ve built and the amount of people we’ve been able to help so far, but as ever here at LUMI, we’re even more focused on what’s just around the corner!

Estonian Excellence

A spin-off company from the University of Tartu, LUMI has its roots in tackling dermatological issues and bringing radiance back to skin. Founder Helen Hirv became invested in skincare research when her daughter began suffering from atopic dermatitis.

Unsatisfied with the solutions available on the market, Helen sought to create a cream without the usual array of artificial additives that industry giants insert into their products – designed primarily to keep profits high, rather than skin healthy.

A fascination with the properties of hemp seed oil and its incredible ability to tackle dermatitis led to the creation of her first skin cream, a forerunner to what would become the award-winning Bio-Klinik line, Estonia’s first hypoallergenic, prebiotic skincare series. The cream’s results on skin were amazing, and it was clear that Helen’s passion had to be pursued.

In 2012, Helen realised that she could do more good through her own brand than remaining at the university. LUMI was born, and we’ve never looked back. In twelve years, LUMI has succeeded all expectations, growing year-on-year, and flourishing into Estonia’s premier organic skincare brand.

The modern iteration of LUMI still has that commitment to helping people that inspired our first steps, but the scale of what we’re able to achieve has grown vastly.

Through our tailored skincare lines and our pioneering ‘LUMI Method’ 4-week approach, we’re proudly able to provide a comprehensive skincare regime to anyone, no matter their skin type or skin condition. All we ever ask is patience – because good things come to those who wait!

But, as ever, we’re not content simply resting on our laurels and admiring how much we’ve done so far. With these achievements ticked off, there are new challenges on the horizon, and we’re relishing the idea of getting stuck in. Watch this space, because if you think we’ve done a lot already, then you’re not going to believe what we’ve got planned for LUMI’s future!


From Micro to Macro

Your skin is the meeting point between your body and the world. It’s the largest organ in the human body, connected in myriad ways to every facet of the internal and external, and is home to billions of microorganisms that live on its surface. To try and treat the skin in isolation, then, is not just ineffective – it’s plain stupid!

To properly look after skin, it’s important to always look at the whole picture. That includes the big things, such as the nutrients you feed your body, which become the building blocks needed to repair and maintain skin, and health conditions, whether physical or mental, chronic or acute. Any of these factors can greatly affect the whole body, including and especially the skin.

But also, the whole picture means including even the most tiny of things. The skin microbiome – the billions-strong community of microorganisms that live on the surface of our skin – have a major role in how our skin looks, performs its duties, and regenerates itself.

As scientific research sheds more and more light on the microbiome, its vital role in skin health becomes ever clearer. Put simply – look after the microbiome, and it can be your skin’s greatest ally; neglect it, and no amount of creams, serums, or anything else will be able to fill the gap.

Only when you take a holistic view of health – from the innermost workings of the brain all the way to the microscopic bacteria living at our very edges – can you hope to get things right when it comes to lasting skin health.


At the Cutting Edge

As you’d expect from a skincare brand born from university research, scientific endeavour is the lifeblood of everything we do here at LUMI. We’re obsessed with scientific news, both within the skincare industry and further afield, and the LUMI labs are an exciting place to be, where ideas are free to be explored and groundbreaking formulations are continually being worked on.

Our passion for science is not merely about curiosity, though. We understand that research and technological innovation are at the heart of problem solving. By achieving greater understanding of the body and embracing new methods, we can go further than has ever been possible before, and tackle even the most difficult of challenges.

We’re proud of our status as early adopters, utilising the latest breakthroughs in skincare and helping to shape trends, rather than simply following them. In recent years, we’ve pioneered the use of revolutionary biotechnologies such as neurocosmetics, phytocannabinoids, and plant stem cells, to name just a few highlights in a long list of successes.

But do these modern innovations really make a difference to skin, you ask? Well, you could just take our word for it, but we’d really rather you tried them for yourself!


Better for Skin, Better for Earth

What’s the point in having flawless skin if you don’t have a planet to show it off on?

Sustainability has always been a core tenet of LUMI’s beliefs, and it’s a view that naturally goes hand-in-hand with our focus on natural ingredients. Everyone here at LUMI is committed to responsible sourcing, production, and distribution. It’s better for the planet, and natural ingredients are better for your skin, too!

Through our focus on short supply chains, only using responsible producers, and our in-house sustainability initiatives, we keep our contribution to climate change as low as possible, whilst still maintaining an excellent standard of product.

Hemp seed oil provides the base for our creams and many other products that we make at LUMI. We grow all of our own hemp, cultivating the superstar variety Finola, renowned for its strength, nutritious content, and versatility. Finola hemp also enriches the soil its planted in, rather than stripping away nutrients from the land.

But Finola’s real talent comes from its carbon capturing abilities. One hectare of Finola hemp removes up to 22 tonnes of CO2 from the air each year, making it one of the most efficient natural air purifiers in the world. With every LUMI purchase, we plant 1m2 of Finola hemp, clearing 0.8kg of CO2 from the air annually. So, not only do LUMI products leave your skin feeling incredible – your conscience can feel good, too.

But we’re not in this alone! Sustainable change requires a buy-in from our customers, too, and we’re so grateful for the support of all of you. An incredible 90% of LUMI customers choose to either forego packaging or used recycled packaging, allowing us to dispense with so much unnecessary waste and focus our efforts on the things that really matter – the products themselves.

Of course, there’s always more that can be done, and we’re continually looking for ways we can reduce our environmental impact even more. Watch this space, because we’ve got some incredible plans for LUMI’s green future!




Founder and CEO

Helen is the founder of LUMI and a true multitasker who refuses to use the word “impossible”. Although product development is her primary focus, she also keeps her sometimes extremely controlling eye on the entire organisation. Helen can be a marketer or a delivery worker if needed. Sometimes, in rare circumstances, she is allowed to the “kitchen” to meditate by the cream kettle.


Brings LUMI to the whole world

Helena is LUMI’s marketing manager and a no. 1 fangirl of the brand. When you sincerely believe in a brand, marketing becomes a breeze… LUMI products ended my years of battling against acne, and LUMI has now taken over my home and my heart!


Our rational dreamer

Kersti is an HR manager-accountant from Tartu. She loves interior design and likes to come up with solutions – both in private life and at work. “I’m such a rational dreamer. A sense of humor (especially black humor), logical and critical thinking, and loyalty are very important to me. I will not suffer injustice. I love music! I was there when LUMI was born and our shared dream of a cafe-flower shop with Helen has now become true in the shape of LUMI CASA.”


Creates your favorite products and makes sure everything is in order in the stockroom

Eda, our one and only. Her hands create LUMI products with great care and affection… If only there were several more of her. She can do much more than just creams – she is a multitalented person and a dream come true for every small business! Eda is precise and accurate in everything she does – making creams, packing them, setting up a system, writing, or interacting with clients. But Eda’s favourite part of the job is making creams – she refers to it as meditation, and you can sense her attention to detail in every jar.


Performs research, tests it, performs more research, and tests it again and has time to handle production also

Maarja is our amazing cream magician, our peaceful fairy scientist who is grounded and calm even in the most stressful situations. She can be at ease on her route and get things done – like a cat who wanders all by herself. Still waters run deep. You can rely on Maarja! She has surprising skills, experience, and wisdom for a young person.


Connects LUMI with researchers

It took me over ten years in the beauty industry to discover LUMI. Along the way, I realized that the vibrant and fragrant world of beauty couldn’t sustain its allure forever – something was missing. At LUMI, I was captivated by its purity, simplicity, and the “less is more” philosophy. What drew me in was how LUMI mirrors the order and harmony found in nature, which I find incredibly appealing. It also allows me to indulge my passion for organization and data, blending my love for numbers with my work. But what truly sets LUMI apart are the PEOPLE – dedicated and passionate individuals whose enthusiasm makes all the difference.


Brings our science to you

Maarja is a cosmetician with an education in medicine. She is an enthusiastic learner and a true multi-tasker who loves to take on new challenges, even in IT. Maarja is constantly improving herself, so she can always offer our customers the most recent scientific knowledge and the best advice on how to use skin care products for complete skin care.



Alex is our English copywriter, with a bit of translation, research and editing thrown in for good measure. Based in Shrewsbury and with three degrees across English and Management, Alex’s mastery of the English language is second to none (can you tell he wrote this?). A night owl by nature, we often awake in Estonia to find a flurry of blogs, product pages, and research sitting in our inbox. We keep telling him staying up late is bad for his skin – he says that LUMI can fix anything!


Pampers you with LUMI facials

Piret works as a beautician and masseuse at LUMI CASA. Perhaps you’ve already had the pleasure of meeting her, but if not, we promise her warm hands will leave you feeling truly revitalized. You’ll walk away from her care feeling like a completely new person! Beloved by our customers, Piret is the absolute favorite, with whom you could spend hours chatting about anything and everything.


Our golden helping hand

Kai brings a dedicated and versatile spirit to LUMI production, always stepping in where help is needed the most. Whether managing large retail orders or meticulously labeling products, Kai ensures every task is completed with a sense of gratitude for the incredible team. Her commitment to excellence and teamwork shines through in every aspect of her work.


Our Little Helping Hand

She’s our go-to person for just about everything. Whether it’s sending out packages, helping out with customer service, jumping into marketing, or even modeling for us, Emma does it all with a smile.