Combination skin

Who wouldn’t want to find the elixir of life in a gift bag? LUMI has a secret recipe just for you, which slows down the signs of skin aging and brings back a...
135,78 139,50 

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Anti-redness smoothie
This prebiotic smoothie is here to stay. BIO-KLINIK's soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory face cream, in combination with NAKED niacinamide serum,...
Anti-redness smoothie
80,91 84,63 

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LUMI 200ml BIO-KLINIK Rahustav ja sügavniisutav kehakreem. Tugevdab naha kaitsevõimet. Tundlikule nahale, kuivuse, punetuse, rosaatsea, atoopilise dermatiidi või psoriaasi puhul.
BIO-KLINIK Moisture-Lock Body Cream
Suffering from atopic dermatitis, skin dryness, rosacea, hypersensitivity, or reddened skin? Bio-Klinik was made for you! Estonia’s first prebiotic and...
BIO-KLINIK Moisture-Lock Body Cream

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LUMI BIO-KLINIK Naha struktuuri taastav näokreem. Rahustab, niisutab, uuendab.  Tundlikule nahale, kuivuse, punetuse, rosaatsea, atoopilise dermatiidi korral.
BIO-KLINIK Restorative Moisturiser
This award-winning, dermatologically tested hypoallergenic face cream is the crown jewel of the Bio-Klinik series – a brilliant base for any skincare routine...
BIO-KLINIK Restorative Moisturiser

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Superbloom collagen booster. 50ml.
Collagen Booster
You are bright, vibrant, and full of energy – so it’s only fair your skin is, too! Collagen Booster gets to work fast, plumping skin and minimising fine...
Collagen Booster

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Force of Nature
A complete men’s skincare set, consisting of moisturizing cream and aftershave tonic – suitable for daily skincare routines and aftershave care.
Force of Nature
70,68 74,40 

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LUMI 50ml Prebiootiline niisutusmask HALO.
Halo Moisture Mask
No angel is complete without their HALO! Bring divine shine back to tired, dull, and dehydrated skin with one of LUMI's most popular offerings - the...
Halo Moisture Mask

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His & Hers Set
Sharing is caring! Kingitus Teile mõlemale, His & Her Set, selleks, et ükski stressist tekkinud vistrik ei saaks rikkuda romantilist deiti!
His & Hers Set
34,41 38,13 

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Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm
We’ve got great news, guys – you no longer need to pinch skincare products from your girlfriend’s cosmetics shelf! Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm is a...
Honey, I’m Home! Men’s Balm

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ICONIC Powercouple
Introducing a day and night cream set that empowers your skin to reach its full potential for radiance and youthfulness. This intelligent skincare approach...
ICONIC Powercouple
119,97 123,69 

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LUMI 30ml Lavendli hüdrosool.
Lavender hydrosol
Lavender water is nature's rare and valuable gift for versatile skin and hair care. The healing effects of the plant have been confirmed by several studies,...
Lavender hydrosol

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MEN aftershave tonic
The ONE multifunctional care product for every man's bathroom! Mentha, juniper, and hemp form a golden triangle, the combination of which turns the aftershave...
MEN aftershave tonic

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LUMI 50ml Men Niisutuskreem. Toode värskendab, rahustab, niisutab, pinguldab ja tasakaalustab nahka.
MEN moisturiser
Harness the power of nature to keep skin hydrated, nourished, and protected! This nutrient-rich cream utilises the bioactive properties of hemp seed oil,...
MEN moisturiser

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LUMI 10ml Antioksüdantidega päevakreem. Normaalsele ja kombineeritud nahale. Niisutab, toidab ja matistab.
MINI Antioxidant Day Cream
Give your body the fuel it needs to fight those pesky free radicals with this antioxidant-rich day cream! With a unique formulation that includes a host of...
MINI Antioxidant Day Cream

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LUMI 10ml Niisutav näopuhastuspiim.  Koorib ja niisutab. Kõikidele nahatüüpidele.
MINI Moisturising cleansing milk
What's the secret to achieving flawlessly clear facial skin? It's simple - it doesn't matter what you put on the skin unless you're properly getting...
MINI Moisturising cleansing milk

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Mini Tundra nä
This gentle-yet-effective cleansing milk has been specially developed to care for acne-prone skin, delivering brilliant results without drying out skin.

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