wrinkles and saggy skin

MINI TUNDRA Pimple Stopper
Soothe your skin; soothe your mind! Pimple Stopper is a uniquely innovative approach to the prevention and treatment of acne, breakouts, and stress-related...
MINI TUNDRA Pimple Stopper

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Lumi 50ml Sügavniisutav Päevakreem. Kreemi kasutades on tulemuseks pehme ja siidine nahk.
Multiplant moisturiser
This entirely natural, plant-powered showstopper is one of our oldest and most prized formulations. Customers and LUMI team members alike just can’t get...
Multiplant moisturiser

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LUMI 30ml NAKED hüaluroonhappe multiseerum. Niisutab, korrigeerib, täiustab. Igale nahatüübile, ka kõige tundlikumale.
NAKED Hyaluronic Acid Multiserum
NAKED is natural - NAKED is beautiful! Give your skin the nourishment it needs with this award-winning multiserum. NAKED’s oil-free, microbiome-supporting...
NAKED Hyaluronic Acid Multiserum

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LUMI 100ml Nudist hüaluroonhappega kehaseerum. Taastav, kaitsev, multifunktsionaalne superniisutaja.
NUDIST Hyaluronic Acid Body Serum
To be NUDIST is to love your body – every single inch of it! This incredibly versatile body serum helps you do exactly that, protecting your skin no...
NUDIST Hyaluronic Acid Body Serum

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LUMI 50ml Regenereeriv Öökreem. Sobib kõikidele nahatüüpidele, ka kõige tundlikumale. Tulemuseks toidetud, sile ja klaar nahk.
Regenerating Night Cream
Would you like to make the most of your nights by turning your beauty sleep into a restorative facial treatment? We have just the thing! Treat your facial...
Regenerating Night Cream

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SENSES CC Clay Moisturiser
A tone-correcting, firming, and mattifying day cream infused with natural golden kaolin clay. Leaves skin hydrated, velvety smooth, and with a shining...
SENSES CC Clay Moisturiser

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SENSES Remodelling Body Moisturiser
A delightful body lotion inspired by the latest scientific breakthroughs. This Remodelling Body Moisturiser tones, tightens, slims, and provides deep...
SENSES Remodelling Body Moisturiser

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LUMI 30ml SKIN GYM Facial Training Formula näoseerum. Pinguldab ja trimmib nahka. Vähendab naha lõtvumisest tingitud vajumist ja kontuurib näojooni selgemaks. Paneb naha vedelikku salvestama, mis annab Sulle sügavuti niisutatud naha.
SKIN GYM Facial Training Formula Face Serum
This oil-free serum brings the benefits of exercise directly to your skin! We call it the Fit Skin Concept: a truly innovative neurocosmetic breakthrough that...
SKIN GYM Facial Training Formula Face Serum

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Superbloom Duo
Take your evening beauty routine to the next level with Superbloom Duo! This set contains two of LUMI’s most popular offerings, Superbloom Toning Mist and...
Superbloom Duo
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LUMI 100ml Superbloom nahka elustav geel-toonik. elustab, ühtlustab ja lisab sära. Igale nahatüübile, ka tundlikule.
Superbloom Toning Mist
Worried about wrinkles, facial bumps, or uneven skin pigmentation, or simply have demanding skin that challenges you every day? Superbloom Toning Mist won’t...
Superbloom Toning Mist

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LUMI 30ml Superbloom C-vitamiini ööseerum. Kõikidele nahatüüpidele. 100% mahesertifikaadiga koostis. Pehme, nooruslikum ja pringim nahk.
Superbloom Vitamin C Night Serum
Did you know that only a few drops of quality night serum can transform your sleep into a therapeutic skin rejuvenation? Discover the everyday miracle of...
Superbloom Vitamin C Night Serum

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LUMI 100ml TUNDRA AHA-BHA Puhastuspiim. Koorib ja ennetab pooride ummistusi. Aknele kalduvale nahale.
TUNDRA AHA-BHA Cleansing Milk
This gentle-yet-effective cleansing milk has been specially developed to care for acne-prone skin, delivering brilliant results without drying out skin.
TUNDRA AHA-BHA Cleansing Milk

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TUNDRA Pimple Stopper
Soothe your skin; soothe your mind! Pimple Stopper is a uniquely innovative approach to the prevention and treatment of acne, breakouts, and stress-related...
TUNDRA Pimple Stopper

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LUMI 100ml TUNDRA Raudrohu näovesi.  Rahustab ja klaaristab nahka. Aknele kalduvale nahale.
TUNDRA Yarrow mist
Yarrow is a medicinal plant that has long been prized in natural medicine for its anti- inflammatory and soothing effects. This clarifying facial water...
TUNDRA Yarrow mist

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